The summer is long gone and the autumn months have rolled in. We’ve seen the leaves changing colours, the days are getting shorter (and colder), and there’s probably nothing more that you want to do with your days than to curl up in the warmth of your home with a delicious glass of Italian wine.
And yet, we’re about to tell you that October is the best month to book your trip to Italy so you can visit a vineyard.
It sounds crazy, right?
Surely, summer must be the best time of year to go to a vineyard. The weather is warm, the people are happier, and the wine-growing season is in full swing.
All of this is true…
But there’s something magical about October. And in this article, we’re going to tell you the reasons why October is the best month for visiting an Italian wine vineyard.
Reason #1 – The Harvest Begins
The harvest…
Everything that an Italian winemaker does builds up to this moment. All of that tending of the vines, guarding against difficult weather conditions, and hard work in the fields build up to this moment.
The harvest is when winemakers finally get to enjoy the fruits of their labours…literally. It’s when the grapes are stripped from the vines, with the true process of making wine beginning.
And it is a wonderful time of year to visit a vineyard.
You will get to witness all of the hustle and bustle, all of the excitement, that comes with the harvest season. The vineyard will be in full swing and, if you’re lucky, you may even get to witness the early stages of the wine production process.
The point is that visiting a vineyard in October means that you’re going to get more than a tour of the ground and the vines.
You’re going to see a winery in full flow.
And for a wine lover, there is literally no better sight than to see the sweet nectar that they so love getting made first hand.
Reason #2 – The Foliage
October lands you smack bang in the middle of autumn.
And if there is one great thing about the autumn, it’s watching the changes in the foliage as the season progresses. The leaves on trees start changing colours before they’re shed. Your natural surroundings take on orange, brown, red, and green hues, all of which combine to create a serene and beautiful environment.
Now, think about where you are when you visit a winery.
You’re in natural surroundings.
You’re surrounded by countryside as well as the vines at the winery itself. This means you get to witness the transformation that trees, plants, and the land as a whole undergo on a grand scale.
There are few things better than exploring nature during autumn.
The natural surroundings in wine country allow you to do just that.
Reason #3 – Smaller Crowds
Do you remember how we talked about how most people believe summer is the best time of year to visit vineyards, or Italy in general?
That wasn’t fluff.
It’s the common opinion amongst most wine tourists. Wineries see their highest volumes of visitors during the warmest months of the year, likely because tourists want to combine their visits to vineyards with all of the other things that people do when they’re on holiday.
October is different.
It’s a time of year that most don’t think of when they’re booking their holidays, which makes it perfect for wine lovers who want to head to their favourite vineyards. The crowds are much smaller, which means you will get a more personal and interesting tour of the winery you visit. You may also find that things cost a little less in the cities, as they adjust to the non-tourist season.
Reason #4 – The Debuts of New Wines
We often focus on the harvest as being the main draw for wineries during the autumn months.
And it is.
As we said, there is nothing quite like seeing a vineyard in full swing.
However, wineries aren’t just preparing their current vintages during October. It’s also during this month that they’ll commonly release their newest products to the market. Their latest wines tend to debut in October, just ready for the festive season, which means you have the opportunity to be the first to sample wines that aren’t yet available to the general public.
Do you have a wine you’re excited about?
October may be the best time of year to grab yourself a sneak peek of that wine before it reaches stores near you.
Reason #5 – It’s Festival Time
The harvest is the most important reason to visit your favourite wine company’s vineyards.
It may also be the most important reason to visit Italy as a whole.
In Italy, the harvest is so much more than the time of year that farmers harvest their crops. It’s a time for celebration, with so many towns and villages holding special festivals to celebrate the harvest. By visiting Italy in October, you’re also giving yourself the chance to enjoy some of these festivals with the locals.
There will be games, music, laughter, art, culture, and so many aspects of Italy that the average tourist never gets to see. You will have the chance to experience a real Italian celebration up close and personal.
And that’s not all.
Festivals that celebrate the harvest also tend to offer a lot of what the harvest produces. If you love Italian wine and food, you will be able to gorge yourself on it during the autumn festivals.
The Final Word
There’s something magical about October.
It’s a month of transition.
It’s a month where the switch from summer to autumn fully occurs, with the transformation in the environment being one of the most beautiful things you will witness all year. And of course, it’s the month of the harvest.
If you get the chance to visit Italy during October, we recommend grabbing it with both hands. If you don’t, you can console yourself with the wonderful collection of Italian wines we offer in the Xtrawine store.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
I like to keep me updated and share with my online friends my gastronomic knowledge.