It’s finally over!
As we write these, we’re mere days away from closing the door on 2020 and welcoming in the New Year. Now granted, it’s not like all of the struggles we’ve collectively been through in 2020 will disappear when the clock strikes midnight. But we’d like to think that there’s still a reason for celebration, especially as 2021 should bring with it many solutions to the problems we’ve faced in 2020.
In short, there’s reason to feel optimistic.
But there’s also reason to feel downbeat. After all, the traditional New Year’s Eve party isn’t happening for many as lockdowns are still in place throughout the world. We can’t gather to dance, eat, and make merry in the ways that we normally would.
However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t still celebrate the New Year from the comfort of our own homes. And what better way to do that than to buy a wonderful Italian wine to enjoy as you finally say good riddance to 2020?
With that in mind, we’ve come up with a list of great choices for Italian wines to drink as the year comes to a close. And we start with perhaps the most obvious choice of the lot…
Wine #1 – Prosecco
How could it be anything else.
For years, Prosecco has climbed in stature and popularity to become the sparkling wine of choice for celebrations, overtaking Champagne in the process. With a horrible year coming to a close, Prosecco seems like the perfect choice for the celebration, especially given that we haven’t exactly had a whole lot to celebrate this year.
So pop the cork, pour a little fizz, and enjoy Prosecco as you would during any other new year. A good bottle is eminently affordable and you’ll find many amazing examples on the Xtrawine website.
Of course, traditionists may prefer to go for Champagne for the celebration, which is a great choice as well. And we have many Champagnes on offer on the site as well. But if you fancy something a little different this year, we think you should go Italian!
Wine #2 – Tignanello
We could slot any of the Super Tuscans in here but Tignanello is the most famous so we’ll use it as the catch-all.
So, why are we recommending this type of wine to bring in the New Year.
It’s simple…
2020 has been awful and it’s time to rebel away from the debacle of the year and welcome in the new hope that 2021 brings. Of course, we don’t mean forgoing all of the guidelines about social distancing and the like, just to make that clear. Instead, we want your New Year’s Eve to be a big middle finger towards the year that’s just gone.
You’ve made it.
You survived and you’re ready to try something new.
And there’s no better Italian wine to represent that sentiment than Tignanello. Beyond being an absolutely spectacular wine in its own right, the spirit behind the wine is perfectly representative of what 2021 will hopefully bring. The makers of the Super Tuscans took what existed, added a new twist to it, and vowed to do things differently.
If there’s anything that we want from 2021, it’s different!
Wine #3 – Barolo
Maybe you’re not planning on the sort of raucous gathering that New Year’s Eve traditionally brings. Instead, you just want to enjoy a quiet night in by the fire, perhaps with a good book and a nice glass of Italian wine in hand. After all of the stress that 2020 brought with it, you just want to relax and use this time to indulge yourself a little.
Barolo is the Italian wine of choice for this situation.
It’s refined, beautiful, and complex (just like you!) and it’s an ideal wine for those who want to enjoy a more contemplative moment as the clock strikes midnight. If you’re fortunate enough to be able to have a few people round for the occasion, it’s also a great wine to choose for dinner parties. The King of Wines is a great choice in any situation but we think it’s especially fitting for those who want to bring in the New Year with a touch of elegance.
Wine #4 – Moscato D’Asti
We give a lot of attention to Prosecco as the Italian sparkling wine of choice. Admittedly, that also often means that we don’t mention the many other amazing sparkling wines that producers around the country produce.
So, let’s say that you want a sparkling wine for your celebration. You’ve had your fill of Champagne and even Prosecco is starting to feel a little bit like old hat, even though it’s still one of your favourite wines.
What should you choose?
There are many more great options but we think that Moscato d’Asti is the perfect alternative sparkling wine for the big occasion. The sweetness of the wine makes it the perfect introduction into the world of Italian wine for those who may not have been big drinkers of the stuff before. It also has a fairly low-alcohol content, which means you can drink just that little bit more of it before it starts to take effect.
As a wine for those who don’t want to go overboard in their celebrations, it’s a great choice. And even if you’re just going to enjoy a nice dinner on the big day, Moscato D’Asti is a great choice to complement your favourite dessert!
The Final Word
Those are our four selections for amazing Italian wines that you can use to bring in the New Year.
Of course, the real choice is the Italian wine that you love more than anything else. We think that this New Year’s Eve should be treated as an opportunity to indulge yourself after a difficult 2020 and these wines are the perfect tonic.
Whatever you choose to do for your end of year celebrations, we hope that you stay safe and have an amazing time.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
I like to keep me updated and share with my online friends my gastronomic knowledge.