We live in a brand-new world right now. Booking a holiday works completely differently to how it did this time last year. While it’s still possible to travel to many destinations in Europe, there’s an ever-looking threat of quarantining to consider. Take what has recently happened to British tourists to both Spain and France. In recent months, the UK has forced people returning from those countries to enter 14 days of quarantine.
It’s enough to put you off the idea of going on holiday at all. And when you consider the fact that many businesses still aren’t opening themselves up to the public, you may wonder if there’s any point to a holiday this year.
There is…
It just may be in a way that you’ve never experienced before.
In recent months, we’ve seen a rise in the number of people taking camping trips. Such trips allow you the opportunity to experience the great outdoors in all of its glory. But perhaps more importantly for the times that we now live in, they also allow you to socially distance from others while still enjoying some time away. And of course, you can bring a bottle or three of your favourite Italian wine along for the journey too.
But we know what you’re thinking…
You’ve never been on a camping trip before. As good as it sounds, you need to know what you’re doing before you give it a try.
Here are our trips for enjoying a camping holiday with a glass of Italian wine by your side.
Tip #1 – Bring a Cooler
Your cooler is essential to enjoying a camping trip as it is where you’ll store all of the food and drinks that you will enjoy during your time away. Even if you intend to buy these things when you arrive, you will still need your cooler to keep everything fresh.
And most importantly, your cooler is the perfect place to store your Italian wines.
Just imagine the scene.
You’ve enjoyed an amazing day of hiking with your nearest and dearest. Now, you’re gathered around the campfire as the day draws to a close. You’re enjoying a glass of wine as you chat away and nothing could feel more serene.
That scenario isn’t possible if you don’t have a cooler with you, especially if you prefer to drink Italian white wine!
Make sure you have one and that it’s a good enough size to store everything that you need.
Tip #2 – Bring Matches and a Lighter
There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to light a fire when you have nothing to get it started. Sure, you could bash a couple of rocks together to try and make a spark. But why do things the hard way when you have lighters and matches at your disposal.
Bring plenty of each and you’ll never have to worry about how you’re going to create your campfire.
Tip #3 – Get the Right Tent Size
It seems like it should be simple, right?
A two-person tent should be big enough to fit two people. After all, the tent itself says that this is what it sleeps. And yet, when you pop it up and get inside, you find that it’s actually pretty cramped.
And once you have all of your gear packed into it, there’s barely any room for you to lie down!
Our advice is to always buy a tent that’s larger than what you think you’ll need. It’s always better to have a little more space than it is to have too little.
Tip #4 – A Good Sleeping Bag Makes a Huge Difference
It’s tempting to go for a budget sleeping bag, especially if this is your first experience with camping. After all, you don’t even know whether you’ll like it yet, so you tell yourself that there’s no point spending a lot of money.
That’s a mistake.
A good sleeping bag makes all of the difference between getting a comfortable night’s sleep and waking up in the middle of the night with the shivers because the bag isn’t doing its job.
As a bonus tip, it’s also worth investing in an inflatable mattress and a camping pillow. Believe us, you’ll appreciate those little comforts if you’ve ever spent a night sleeping on the hard ground.
Tip #5 – Make Sure You Pack the Essentials
You have your Italian wine. Those are all of the essentials you need, right?
As much as we’d love to agree with you, there are a few more things that you need to bring along on your trip. We’ve already mentioned lighters and matches. But it’s also wise to bring along the following:
- A torch
- Cutlery
- A camping stove
- Pans
- Spare gas canisters (especially if you have no intention of building a fire)
- A roll of duct tape
- Spare tent pegs, just in case
It’s also worth packing some games and outdoor play equipment, especially if you’re bringing your kids along for the trip.
When you have all of this stuff at the ready, you’ll be able to enjoy your Italian wine in a little more comfort.
Tip #6 – Research Your Camp Site
It’s not enough to just pick a camp site and go for your camping trip. Every site is a little different and the right choice for you depends on the experience you want to have.
Some sites offer little more than a patch of land to pitch your tent. If you want the survivalist experience then this may be great. But if you want access to a few creature comforts, such as shower blocks and shops, you may want to look elsewhere.
Key here is your own comfort. Figure out what you want from your trip and then search for a site that suits those needs.
The Final Word
Are you ready to try something a little different for your next holiday?
A camping trip may be the perfect choice. And of course, you can bring a few bottles of Italian wine along to make the trip that little bit more enjoyable.
We can’t tell you where to get all of the gear that you need. But we can offer an amazing selection of wines from all around the world in the Xtrawine store.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
I like to keep me updated and share with my online friends my gastronomic knowledge.