We’re not quite hearing the sleighbells in the snow just yet.
However, it won’t be long before we do as Christmas is just around the corner. If you’ve gotten the jump on other shoppers and started buying gifts earlier, then congratulations to you! But if you haven’t, you’re probably dealing with the same problem that you have every single year…
What on Earth should you buy for your friends?
You want the gifts that you give to have meaning and to be loved by the person who received them. You could spend hours scouring the shelves of shops and exploring online trying to find the perfect gift.
Or, you could follow the handy tips that we’re about to share in this article.
Here, we’re going to look at some of the best ways to find the perfect Christmas gift for a friend. And we may just drop a few not-so-subtle hints about a type of gift that always fits the bill.
Tip #1 – A Gift Shouldn’t Create Problems
We know that gift cards are a common present for Christmas.
But they’re not the most inventive things in the world, are they? A gift card tells your friend that you had no idea what to get them. But even worse, it means they now have to go out and buy something with that gift card. This creates hassle for them, as well as limiting them to whatever store you chose to buy from.
The point we’re making here is that the perfect gift should solve problems, rather than create them.
That’s why Italian wine always fits the bill. When somebody receives a bottle of wine, the only problem they have is when they’re going to drink it. And believe us when we say that this is a good problem to have.
A nice bottle of wine means your friend gets something that they want without them having to deal with any additional hassle.
Tip #2 – Set an Appropriate Budget
Budget might be a dirty word for some people when choosing a gift but it’s something we all have to consider, especially given the state of the world today. While you may not need to set a budget for yourself, it’s important to consider the amount your friend can spend as well as yourself. Some people can get a little sensitive if you splash the cash when they’re not in a position to.
So, knowing how much you’re going to spend is important!
Get a figure in your head and check your bank account to make sure you can afford it.
And guess what!
Italian wine can fit the bill no matter that your budget ends up being. On the Xtrawine site, you can find wines ranging in price from around €5 all the way up to collector’s items that come with a heftier price tag. No matter your budget, you can always find a good wine for the right price.
Tip #3 – Think About the Past
Think back to past conversations with your friend or events that you’ve shared together. Have they ever expressed an interest in a particular thing? Maybe there’s an experience that they’ve always wanted to have or an item that caught their eye when you were out shopping. Maybe they’ve just brought something up in casual conversation that you half heard and didn’t really think about.
These are all clues as to what your friend really wants for Christmas.
For example, let’s say you invited a friend over for a glass of wine and they talked about how much they loved the wine that you served.
Guess what you can give them for Christmas that year?
You can grab a bottle of the same wine for them. Not only do they get a great gift but you also show them that you listen to what they have to say!
Tip #4 – Think About How They’re Feeling
We’re living in difficult times right now, which may mean that your friend isn’t in the best of moods. Maybe they’re looking for a pick-me-up. If that’s the case, a gift that puts a smile on their face is always a good option.
Or, perhaps your friend’s having a great year and is full of positivity. Things are working out for them and they’re in the mood to celebrate. A gift that matches that celebratory desire will work better here.
What we’re saying is that matching the gift to the person’s mood is a good idea.
And of course, wine works perfectly here. If somebody’s feeling celebratory, a bottle of Prosecco fits the bill. If they’re a little more downbeat, a bottle of Italian wine and the promise that you’ll spend a little time together talking things out may be the perfect choice.
Tip #5 – Involve YOU
Following on from that last point, there’s one gift that you can always give that your friends will appreciate.
The gift of you!
We’re not saying this means you’re an arrogant person. What we’re saying is that our friends always want to see more of us. Your friends with this person because you get along, share common interests, and love each other. If you can give them a gift that means you get to spend more time together, that’s the best type of gift that you can give.
And that may just mean rocking up to their house with a bottle of Italian wine under your arm and the desire to spend a few hours together. As life gets more hectic, just finding a little bit of time for somebody that you care about can be the greatest gift of all.
Of course, we’re always going to recommend Italian wine as a perfect gift for Christmas. It’s what we sell and we know it will always be appreciated.
But out other message here is to not stress out too much about giving gifts. Your friends love you, which means they’ll love whatever you get for them. So instead of seeing Christmas shopping as some big and stressful thing, think of it as a chance to have a little fun with a friend.
Ultimately, that’s all that any of your friends want from you this Christmas.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
I like to keep me updated and share with my online friends my gastronomic knowledge.