We all have that friend.
No matter what the occasion is, they always have a glass of Italian wine to hand. They’re quick to offer you a drink whenever you come around and the kitchen always seems like it’s stocked with several vintages.
Surely, the gift of Italian wine is the perfect choice for a friend like this.
With your mind made up, you head to the Xtrawine website to buy a bottle or two…
And that’s when it hits you.
What wine do you buy for somebody who drinks so much of the stuff?
This is somebody who has a real nose for wine and they’ve sampled many types in their years. That means they’ve got a really good idea of what they like and what they don’t.
What if you end up buying them a wine that doesn’t suit their tastes?
That’s what we want to help you to avoid. With these tips, you’ll choose the perfect Italian wine for that friend who can’t get enough of the stuff.
Tip #1 – Have a Snoop Around the Kitchen
A casual visit to your friend’s house could reap some serious dividends when it comes to helping you to make your choice.
You’ll have the chance to snoop around the kitchen a little to see what sorts of bottles they have out in the open. Of course, we don’t mean you should go rifling through fridges and cupboards here. Instead, just keep your eyes open for any sight of a bottle of wine on the counter. Try to make a mental note of the type of wine and vintage.
That’s a good starting point.
If you’re really subtle, you may be able to get some more hints out of your friend without them realising your intentions.
For example, let’s say they offer you a glass of wine when you arrive. You can casually move the topic onto what type of wine it is. Start talking about what you like about the wine and that may prompt your friend to talk about what they like about it too.
From there, you can move the conversation into other wines that they’ve tried that they recommend. So, they’ll tell you what you should try without realising that you’re really trying to find out which wines they really enjoy!
By the time you leave, you should be armed with enough information that make a good choice.
Tip #2 – Ask Friends and Family
Maybe you don’t feel like you could carry out the light subterfuge from Tip #1. Plenty of us can’t. If you’ve got a habit of tripping all over your own tongue when you’re trying to quietly learn about somebody, you might not trust yourself to stay composed when you’re talking to your friend.
Alternatively, you just may not have the chance to visit your friend for a few weeks. After all, the festive period is always an especially busy one. You might find yourself being tossed around between commitments so much that you don’t see your friend before Christmas itself.
This is where your phone comes to the rescue.
Does your friend have a partner? If so, they’re the perfect source of information. Plus, they can go snooping on your behalf without raising any suspicion. Other friends and family members may be able to provide some more hints.
After all, it only takes one person remembering a particular wine that your friend likes to give you all of the info you need for your purchase.
Tip #3 – Just Ask Your Friend!
Maybe all of this subtlety just doesn’t cut it for you.
Instead, you want to make sure that your friend gets exactly what they want on Christmas. And if that’s the case, you could just ask them what wines they like.
Of course, this takes away some of the mystery of what you’re getting them. They know they’re getting a bottle of wine now.
But you can add a little bit of mystery back with this clever trick.
Don’t just ask them for one type of wine that they like. Instead, ask them to make a list of five or 10.
Tell them that they’re going to get one of the bottles on the list, but they won’t know which one.
Now, you get to surprise them with something while also feeling certain that your gift will go down a treat. If you’ve all of the subtlety of a sledgehammer, this may be the best way to go.
Tip #4 – Don’t Buy Italian Wine at All
Maybe you’ve tried all of these tips and come up empty. After all of your investigating, you’re no closer to figuring out which Italian wine to buy for your friend.
That’s okay…
Just don’t get them a bottle of wine at all!
Maybe that seems like a strange suggestion for the people at Xtrawine to make. But allow us to explain.
Somebody who loves wine doesn’t just need more bottles to add to the collection. They need all of the little accessories that go along with being a wine enthusiast.
Maybe it’s time to widen your scope and choose something else for them.
For example, a nice set of wine glasses could make for a perfect gift. Perhaps you could buy a decanter, a new corkscrew, or even a vacuum pump.
If you’re feeling the urge to really splurge, a special wine cooler or fridge may be the best choice.
The point we’re making is that there’s plenty to get the Italian wine lover if you don’t want to buy a bottle of wine. With a little creative thinking, you’ll can find an alternative gift that they’ll get plenty of use out of.
The Final Word
Now that you’ve got these tips, it’s time to put them into action.
And when you have all of the information that you need, you’ve got to work with a reliable wine supplier to get your gifts before Christmas.
That’s where we come in. Browse our huge selection of wines and accessories to find the perfect gift for your friend.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
I like to keep me updated and share with my online friends my gastronomic knowledge.