Spring is finally here.
It may not really feel like it right now though. Depending on where you are in the world, you may have had to put up with loads of rain, wind, and even some snow.
So, it’s already been a strange spring in terms of the weather we’ve had. But don’t let that dampen your spirits…literally. Things can only get better from here and spring is still the same magical time of tear that it always is. It just may be taking a little while longer to get to you this time around.
Italians love the spring. You can see this should you ever decide to visit the country. It seems like the spring has a completely revitalising effect on the Italian people. The sun starts shining and everybody feels energised. You’ll start seeing restaurants breaking out their fresh, al fresco spring menus and everybody seems to have a spring in their step (pun only partially intended).
Of course, there’s another wonderful thing about the spring. We’re talking – of course – about Italian wines. With restaurants and amateur chefs changing up their cooking so that they can use the seasonal foods that come with spring, it should come as no surprise that they also change up the wines they drink to match the season.
All of that brings us around to our topic of the day. Spring is a special time of year and we’re sure that the idea of celebrating it Italian style appeals to you. So, here are our tips for doing spring the Italian way.
Visit Italy
Our first tip is also the most obvious. If you really want to celebrate spring in the way that the Italians do, you need to visit Italy.
We’re not necessarily talking about some big sightseeing trip to one of the country’s major cities. In fact, to really celebrate spring like an Italian, you’ll need to immerse yourself into the Italian culture a little bit deeper. Go off the beaten path and find local restaurants and people to talk to. That’s where you’re going to find the best seasonal foods and, naturally, the best seasonal wines that go with them.
In fact, the spring may be the perfect time to take that tour of a vineyard that you’ve always wanted to do. These are typically a distance away from the hustle and bustle of the cities, which means you get to enjoy some small town Italian life. Plus, you have the added bonus of enjoying the atmosphere generated by springtime at a winery.
Choose the Right Wines
Now, we’re usually hesitant to say that there’s a “right” wine for any particular occasion. The right wine is whatever wine that you feel like enjoying at a particular moment in time.
But there are certainly wines that suit some occasions better than others. The spring is no different, especially if you’re going to take advantage of all of the culinary wonders that come with it.
So, which Italian wines work best for spring? This is one of the few occasions where we’re not going to recommend any of the wonderful Italian red wines that the country is more famous for. Instead, we’re looking for wines that offer the same refreshment as the season of spring does. This means we’re going for the white wines and rosés instead.
With white wine, we recommend a wine that uses a lot of Sauvignon Blanc in its blend. The Ronco Blanchis Collio Sauvignon 2016 is a great choice if you want to go for the purest form of the grape, but there are plenty of other great Italian wines to choose from. The reason we pick this grape is because of its sharpness – due to the high acidity – and fruity flavours that it presents.
Speaking of fruitiness, those who want something a little bit deeper may want to drink a rosé instead. Again, there are plenty of options to choose from here. We’re not going to make a specific recommendation, but anything that has a slightly floral quality to it will feel right at home alongside a springtime meal.
Again, these are only suggestions. If you’d rather go for a red wine during spring, then you should go right again. That’s the beauty of the Italian wine industry. There’s something for everybody, regardless of the time of year.
Go for a Stroll
There’s an Italian term for going for a stroll that we really like. It’s “passeggiata”, and it essentially means taking things at a slightly slower pace so that you can really absorb and enjoy everything that the springtime has to offer.
A typically passeggiata may see you wonder around a park or other area of natural beauty before stopping off at a small bistro of café to enjoy a light meal with a glass of wine.
The point is that you’re taking in the beauty that comes with spring. All of the budding flowers and fresh colours feel even more vibrant when you’re not rushing past them at a mile per minute. Enjoy a passeggiata or two and you’ll be enjoying the emergence of spring in the Italian way.
Celebrate the Flowers
Spring also means that a crop of new flowers will be peeking their heads above the soil. Some may need a little more time to reach full maturity, but there are plenty of great springtime varieties that you can use to add that little bit of vigour to your home and garden.
We’re big fans of roses and violets for this time of year because we think that both types of flower make or beautiful table decorations during a nice meal. It’s all about that freshness and contrast of colours. That’s what makes spring so beautiful, after all. Fresh foods, new life, and wonderful Italian wines. The right flowers can just add to the entire spectacle, thus helping you to celebrate spring the Italian way.
Do you want to find the perfect springtime wine? That’s what your friends at Xtrawine are for. Take a moment to search through our extensive wine catalogue and we’re sure that you’ll find the right wine for your springtime celebrations.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
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