We have covered the many health benefits that drinking a glass of red wine a day affords the consumer. From being able to prevent cancers and strokes, through to promoting superior cardiovascular health and fighting against heart disease, drinking wine in moderation is perfect for those who are concerned about their long term health and want to enjoy an alcoholic beverage that is actually good for them.
However, red wine in particular has far more tricks up its sleeve than providing better health. Recent research has shown that drinking red wine can also have a cosmetic effect, particularly in regards to reducing the effects of signs of aging, such as wrinkles. So what is it about wine that makes it so effective in this respect? Let’s take a look.
So How Does It Work?
The key to wine as an antiaging formula is the antioxidants that it contains, which you may already recognize as being the key ingredient that helps wine prevent heart disease and a number of other afflictions related to aging. These antioxidants are capable of getting rid of “free radicals” in your body that are linked to aging.
In particular it is the antioxidants known as polyphenols, which includes the resveratrol that we have covered before, that helps. This is found in other drinks and foods that contain grapes, but is most concentrated in bottles of wine due to the large amount of grapes that are used in production, plus the methods used to create the wines themselves. For example, the skin and seeds of the grape will be removed when making grape juice, whereas they are used freely when creating wine, thus giving a more pronounced effect.
It is also worth noting that some researchers have made the claim that there may be external factors that are influenced by wine that could play a part in reducing the amount of wrinkles you have. Some state that red wine drinkers, on the whole, tend to experience less stress and enjoy healthier diets due to exploring their palette more thoroughly, all of which are potential factors that play into the antiaging properties of the drink.
What Should I Be Wary Of?
Of course, there is a catch when considering how red wine can help you reduce the signs of aging and it is the one that comes with every single type of alcohol that you might consume. Simply put, you should only drink in moderation. Experts recommend one, maybe two, glasses of red wine per day if you want to enjoy the positive benefits that it can provide.
Going over this limit on a regular basis may lead to health complications in the long term, particularly in regards to your liver and pancreas. We all get a little carried away every so often, but as long as you don’t make it a regular thing and dial your consumption back to the recommended amount on most days, you should start to feel the benefits.
Okay, So What Are The Actual Benefits?
Now that you know a little bit of the science behind the research, let’s take a look at the benefits. In addition to reducing the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart problems and Alzheimer’s disease, drinking the recommended amount of red wine will make your skin glow, giving you a healthier and younger look.
Furthermore, the previously mentioned antioxidants break up “free radicals,” which are believed to cause damage to healthy cells over time. It is believed that their effect causes everything from the previously mentioned conditions through to the wrinkles on your skin because they make the previously healthy cells less effective. The research appears to show that these free radicals get broken down by wine, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of healthier cells in your body and skin that leads to better health and fewer wrinkles.
The antioxidants also serve to improve the arterial function of the body, which basically means that more blood will be pumped around your body more effectively if you drink red wine in moderation. This again serves to provide the healthy glow that was previously mentioned, but also ensures that the skin receives a higher concentration of oxygen, which benefits it in the long term.
Any Other Uses?
Interestingly enough, some people have taken to using red wine in less than traditional ways in an effort to combat the signs of again. Now that it has been shown to have a direct effect on wrinkles, there are some who are experimenting with facial masks that are made using red wine, apparently in the hope that the skin will more actively absorb the wine and put it to better use than if you consumed it.
More traditional cosmetic companies are also getting in on the act in a roundabout way. Resveratrol, which we mentioned earlier in the piece, is now a fairly common ingredient that is used in many skin products because of the benefits that it has been found to have when consumed as an antioxidant in red wine.
However, there is still more research that needs to be done in order to determine if such applications are as effective as drinking red wine directly.
The Final Word
Hopefully you now understand a little bit more about the benefits that red wine can provide to you in terms of slowing the signs of aging and reducing wrinkles. It is important to note that these properties are attributed almost solely to red wines, with whites tending to have far lower amounts of the antioxidants that are believed to be of most benefit.
As a final piece of advice, we reiterate that it is important that you drink the recommended daily amount in order to see the best effects, ideally with a diet of Mediterranean foods, such as lean meats and healthy vegetables. You should also consider the red wines that you purchase, as those that are a little sweeter or contain larger volumes of alcohol may have a slightly different effect to others. Just be careful, consume in moderation and enjoy the many benefits that drinking red wine can bring.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
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