
La Montecchia Fior d’Arancio Spumante


If there is one word that is indicative of everything that the Italian wine industry stands for, it is tradition. After all, we see aspects of tradition everywhere. Speaking to an Italian wine connoisseur and they will happily regale you with tales about the traditions of the various wines they enjoy. Visit a wine producer’s website, or go on a tour of a vineyard, and you will be further regaled with stories about the producer’s history and the traditions it has followed to reach the point it is currently at.

Even the DOC and DOCG labelling provided to the best Italian wines exists mainly to preserve the traditions of those wines. By ensuring they’re all made to the appropriate standard, these organisations ensure that the wines that come out of Italy all fit in with the tradition of excellence the country has.

Tradition is important in Italian wine.

And that is why it’s so impressive when we come across a company that is able to marry a deep, centuries-long tradition with the wines that it produces.

That is exactly what we see with the La Montecchia wine company, which was founded by a family that has been part of the Veneto region’s traditions for centuries. Here, we’re going to take a look at a gorgeous Italian sparkling dessert wine this company has created. But first, let’s learn a little more about the deep history that so thoroughly ties the company to the people of Veneto.

The History

The La Montecchia story starts with the Emo family.

No, this is not a family that is so dedicated to the musical subculture of the 2000s that they chose to name themselves after it. Instead, the Emo family is one of the founding families of the Serenissima Republic of Venice. It has existed in the region since the days before Italy was a united country. And for centuries, it has been a crucial influence in the region’s direction and politics.

This single family has given Venice some of its most important citizens, from the great admiral Angelo Emo, who forced the Bey of Tunis to surrender to his might in 1785 via a bombing campaign that made use of floating rafts, to the great Leonardo Emo, who was the head of the family at the end of the Venetian republic.

It is with Leonardo that the story of the family’s exploits in wine begins. With the end of the Venetian republic in sight, Leonardo opted to marry Beatrice Capodilista, who was the last member of her family. Beatrice’s name was added to Emo, forming the family name of Emo Capodilista. The family chose to follow Charles the Great to Veneto, where they were granted the title of “Count” and were rewarded with land and other boons for aiding in the great king’s wars.

It was during this time that the family fully established its estate.

And it is one that very estate that the La Montecchia wine company sits today.

Since the Middle Ages, the estate of Count Emo Capodilista has produced some amazing Italian wines. Today, that estate’s main function lies in viticulture. Long removed from the feudal era that brought the family to prominence, the Emo Capodilista focus on producing wines that fit into the DOC of the stunning Euganean Hills. Visit the estate and you will see its vineyards rising up these hills, practically covering them in places as the family tends the vines that have brought them continued wealth and success in the more modern era.

The La Montecchia vineyards are also open to the public, in addition to the estate being a wonderful tourist destination. From the estate, you can easily access the gorgeous cities of art in Veneto. Its location near the most important roads in the region also means that you will likely pass through the estate as you travel from one part of the region to another.

Should you choose to visit La Montecchia, the most attractive sight is that of the wine cellars, which are located in the estate’s ancient farm. Nearby, you will find a small shop and four beautiful apartments that are suitable for guests. What’s more, the family has turned their historic castle into a stunning bed and breakfast location, allowing you to spend some time living with the Count himself as you explore the wonders of his estate.

There is also a golf club bordering the estate, alongside a stunning Michelin Star restaurant. All of these are hallmarks of quality, affluence, and class, which also happen to be the hallmarks of the wines that the estate produces.

And with that being said, it’s about time that we turned our attention to a gorgeous sparkling Italian white wine that we believe could be an amazing alternative to Prosecco.

The Review

Made using the Charmat method, the La Montecchia Fior d’Arancio Spumante is a gorgeously sweet sparkling dessert wine that stands out thanks to its aromatic nature. Part of the DOCG Colli Euganei Fior d’Arancio o Fior d’Arancio Colli Euganei Spumante, the wine is made using selected grapes that are picked by hand and cooled to 0.5 degrees Celsius. They are then pressed to release their fruity aroma as best as possible.

Upon pouring the wine, you will note a velvet-smooth perlage, with the smooth bubbles quickly rushing to the top of the glass. The wine itself is pale yellow, with some subtle hints of green that hint at its ageing potential of 3-5 years.

Allow the bouquet to wash over you and you will see how effective the special pressing technique has been. The wine has an intense aroma, which is highlighted by strong notes of lemon and orange, marking this out as a sweet and sharp dessert wine.

To the taste, you will enjoy that element of sweetness, which seems to mesh in perfect harmony with the wine’s acidity. A persistent aftertaste tempts you in for your next sip, meaning the wine will probably not last too long once it has been opened! The Xtrawine team loved this taste of traditional Venetian splendour, which is why we award the La Montecchia Fior d’Arancio Spumante a rating of 87/100. You can find it in our store today for less than €10.


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