There are few things that we enjoy more than coming back home to a gorgeous bottle of Italian wine. And we’re more than partial to drinking a glass or two without anybody else around.
We’re sure that you’re the same too. And there’s definitely a time for curling up by the first with a book and that glass of Italian red wine. When you can create the right atmosphere, there’s nothing in the world that’s more relaxing.
However, there’s a lot to say for inviting others along for the ride whenever you crack open a bottle of Italian wine. In fact, it seems like drinking with company is becoming more popular by the year.
And we can think of a few reasons why…
A Problem Shared is a Problem Halved
If you’re drink wine to help you to relax, the odds are pretty food that you’ve had a rough day. Maybe you’re dealing with a lot of stress at work or you’re just struggling with personal issues at home.
As long as you don’t overindulge, drinking a little bit of wine is a great way to deal with that stress.
…And drinking it with company is even better.
There’s an old saying that says that a problem shared is a problem halved. If you’re dealing with stress and other issues, there are few things as therapeutic as opening a bottle of wine and talking it out with some close friends. In fact, the relaxed atmosphere that the wine creates makes it more likely that you’ll really dig into the source of your stress and talk it through.
Your friends are some of the greatest treasure that you’ll ever have in your life. Who better to share an amazing bottle of Italian wine with than the people who mean the most to you?
Spreading the Word About a Great Wine
Have you ever felt like you’re a bit of an island when it comes to your love of Italian wine?
Sure, all of your friends enjoy a glass of wine themselves. But they don’t seem to fall in love with what they’re drinking like you do. And they’re certainly not reading wine blogs to learn as much as possible about the wines that they enjoy.
When you’re drinking with company, you have a chance to change all of that. And when you’ve discovered a truly special wine, drinking it with others is a great way to spark a conversation about one of the great passions in your life.
You never know! You may even find that you have a few Italian wine converts among your group of friends.
Of course, the rules of social etiquette must also be adhered to. You shouldn’t force the conversation to wine if your company really doesn’t want to talk about it. But if they’re open for a chat about the wines you love, you may as well take the opportunity!
You may even find yourself indirectly helping out some of your favourite producers if a friend decides to buy a bottle of what you love for themselves.
Adding the Personal Touch to a Disconnected Society
We’re living in one of the most ironic periods in our history.
The advent of mobile phones made it easier than ever to stay connected. And when social media arrived, we had even more ways to communicate with the people that we love.
Yet, there are many studies that suggest we’re living in one of the most disconnected periods in human history. All of this access to technology seems to have made us less likely to actually spend time with people!
So, sharing a bottle of Italian wine is about so much more than appreciating the drink. It gives you a reason to get people together and actually connect face-to-face. Perhaps you could consider your wine as the catalyst for increased social interaction.
It has to be better than staring at messages and status updates on a phone, right?
Breaking Bread Together
You already know that most Italians believe that great food and great wine go together. You could even say that trying to find the perfect wine to complement your meal is one of the true joys of drinking wine in the first place.
And of course, eating with friends is another great joy.
So, perhaps we’re seeing two trends coming together here. You already love eating with your friends. And now, you’re more likely to try to find wines that complement the foods that you share together. Maybe, in a roundabout way, that mixing of food and wine is what’s leading to more people drinking wine with company.
We do know one thing…
There are few things that we enjoy more than a great dinner party with friends!
Meeting New People
Wine is one of those drinks that’s very socially acceptable in almost any situation.
That’s why we’re seeing more wine bars popping up. And almost every restaurant and regular bar has a selection of wines on the menu.
So, drinking wine means you’re going to have more chances to go to the places where you’re likely to meet new people. And best of all, you’ll have something in common to share with the people that you meet.
Who knows?
Perhaps your next great friendship will come from the fact that you love Italian wine.
The Final Word
Those are five reasons why you should give drinking wine with company a try. Of course, we’re sure that most of you already love drinking with your friends, so we’re not really telling you anything that you don’t already know.
However, you may just need a nice bottle of Italian wine to bring along to your meeting of the minds with your friends.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
I like to keep me updated and share with my online friends my gastronomic knowledge.