When we think of some of the finest Italian wines in the world, we automatically imagine Barolo, Chianti, and any number of other stunning representations of the Italian wine industry.
But what about fine French wines.
The mention of the word “French” likely conjures up images of Champagne, Burgundy, and Bordeaux, which have all been established for hundreds of years and are still among the most popular wines in the world.
Of course, several cost-effective variants of these wines are available from online retailers.
But what about the finer wines in these categories?
Many of the best examples of these three French titans can also be purchased online. What’s more, you will likely get a better experience buying them online than you would if you purchased them in a physical store. In this article, we’re going to dig into why you should buy these fine wines over the web rather than traveling to a physical location.
More Information Before You Buy
Imagine that you head to your local wine store to hunt down a bottle of fine French wine. Assuming you have any luck finding a truly great vintage, you then have to decide if you want to buy it or not.
So, you talk to the clerk.
If you’re lucky, they may be able to offer some information about the wine, its vintage, and the producer. But the odds are high that they won’t be able to tell you as much as you need to know. And when it comes to the price, you’re stuck paying whatever the retailer says the wine is worth.
Contrast that to the experience of shopping for these fine wines online.
First, you can get a lot more information about the producer with a little research. Once you know which wine you want to buy, you can access the producer’s website to learn more about them. Most online listings also include tasting notes and small reviews, allowing you to quickly determine if the wine is of a high enough quality to add to your collection.
Second, you can also use the web to run some price comparisons. That means you can ensure that you’re paying a fair price for the bottle, rather than just forking over whatever a retailer tells you the wine is worth.
Greater Availability
We touched on this in the previous point but it’s worth expanding on here.
When you shop for fine wines through physical retailers, you’re limited to the wines that the retailer has in stock. That can lead to a lot of tedious traveling between merchants until you finally find one that offers the Bordeaux, Champagne, or Burgundy that you’re looking for. If you don’t want to travel like that, you still need to call every wine shop in your area to ask about the drink’s availability.
When shopping online, availability isn’t a problem.
A website will tell you instantly if the wine is in stock or not. If it isn’t, you have the option of exploring other websites until you find one that has the wine you’re looking for. What’s more, online stores can offer a wider selection of wines than your local shops. They’re not restricted by limited storage space, meaning you get more choice in terms of the fine wines you wish to purchase.
It’s Friendlier to The Bank Account
Take a moment to think about the costs involved with running a physical wine store.
There’s the cost of rent or a mortgage on the building. The owner also has to invest in the fixtures and fittings required to make the store look attractive. Then, there are wages for any workers hired by the store to consider. You also have utilities, such as water and electricity to consider. Add in security features, the owner’s own wage, and the cost of the goods in the store and you have a recipe for high prices.
After all, how do you think the store makes enough money to stay in operation?
It charges more for the fine Champagne, Burgundy, and Bordeaux that it sells.
By comparison, online stores have far lower costs.
The lack of a physical store means that the fixtures and fittings aren’t an issue. Online wine stores can also leverage several ways of storing their products, from warehouses to reserving stock with the supplier to be sent out directly when an order is placed. While it would be disingenuous to claim that online stores have no costs, the costs they do have are much lower than those absorbed by physical stores.
The result?
Online stores can offer lower prices, meaning you get access to fine wines without putting as severe a dent in your bank balance as you would when buying from a physical store.
Straight To Your Doorstep
So, you now understand how the various costs physical stores face affect their prices.
Now, add your own costs to that.
First, there’s the time cost. When you buy from physical stores, you have to reserve time for the visit. When buying online, you can complete your order in a matter of minutes.
Then, there are extra monetary costs.
You’ve got to get to the physical store somehow. That usually means driving, which results in you paying money for petrol. Even if you take public transport, you’re still paying more money than you need to just to have an opportunity to buy a fine wine.
By contrast, online stores deliver your chosen wine straight to your doorstep without any of the hassle or costs of buying the wine from a physical store.
The Final Word
When it comes to buying fine French wines, such as Champagne and Burgundy, going the online route means lower costs, more information, and delivery that lands directly on your doorstep.
Best of all, you gain access to a larger variety of fine wines, ensuring you’re always able to find a vintage that suits your tastes.
This is where Xtrawine comes in. Our collection contains a large number of vintage and fine wines for your enjoyment. Explore today and we’re sure you’ll find something to suit your needs.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
I like to keep me updated and share with my online friends my gastronomic knowledge.