It’s February, which can only mean one thing. Cupid has taken flight and the season of love is upon us. In just a few short days, Valentine’s Day will be here and the Casanovas among you will surely want to come up with a few date ideas that’ll surprise and delight your significant other.
And of course, you just have to get a little Italian wine involved. After all, the Italians are renowned for their great passion in everything that they do.
What better emotion to evoke during the most romantic month of the year?
Xtrawine wants to give you a little bit of a helping hand if you’re struggling to come up with some ideas.
Here are five dates that you can pull off that also involved plenty of amazing Italian wine.
Date Idea #1 – The Classic Dinner Date
Let’s start with the reliable datethat we know almost everybody has already thought of.
The classic dinner date may seem a little boring. But it’s a classic for a reason. It’s one of the most intimate dates that you can have. And if you combine some great food with some tasty wine, you’re onto a winner.
There are two ways that you can approach this type of date.
The easiest is to find a good restaurant. Perhaps you have a sentimental spot that means something to both of you. This would be a great place to start when you’re searching for someone to have dinner. Of course, you may want to take a risk on a brand new place too.
The more difficult, but perhaps more intimate, option is to make dinner yourself. You have a lot more control in this scenario, so you can maybe make your partner’s favourite food and select the bottle of Italian wine yourself. Perhaps a few rose petals scattered here and there with candles on the table.
It’s really up to you. Just know that if you make dinner yourself, you may get a few extra Brownie points for putting in that little bit more effort.
Date Idea #2 – Painting and Wine
We’ve spoken about this little phenomenon several times before in the Xtrawine blog.
What better time to give it a try than during a Valentine’sDay date? We even imagine that there’ll be a fair few companies offering special Valentine’s versions of these events for you to choose from.
The concept here is pretty simple.
You turn up with nothing other than yourselves and a desire to paint. You head into a room and get taught some rudimentary painting skills. Then, you get to work.
Oh, and you’ll just so happen to have a glass (or two or three) of Italian wine by your side as you paint.
This is a great date idea for the more social couples reading this. You’ll get the chance to share the experience with other people and may even make a few friends that you can double date with in the future.
However, you may want to try something else if you’re looking for a more intimate experience.
Date Idea #3 – The Wine Tasting/Wine Bar Crawl
On the more refined end of the scale, we have wine tasting events. Typically, these involve a sommelier or similar expert offering information about the wine you’re drinking as you enjoy the taste and try to identify the various notes.
There’ll be a pre-chosen line-up of wine and you’ll find yourself sampling lots of different things, without drinking too much.
But what is a couple to do if there aren’t any wine tasting events in their local area?
Create your own of course.
The wine bar crawl requires a little research on your part in terms of finding enough bars in close proximity to each other. But get it right and you can move from bar to bar while trying a different Italian wine at each.
Of course, you’ll need to exercise a little more self-control here. You don’t want to find that you’ve drunk too much before you’re even halfway through your epic wine tasting quest.
Date Idea #4 – A Museum or Gallery Tour
Now hear us out on this one, as it may seem a little strange at first.
Many major museums hold after-hours events during the course of the year. And in most cases, you’re going to get to do a few things that you wouldn’t normally get to do.
This includes whatever special exhibitions that the museum or gallery has set up for the night. But you’ll also often find that the gallery treats the event almost like a party. And that means food, and if you’re really lucky, a glass of wine or two.
Again, you’ll have to put a little bit of legwork in to get this one right. First, you’ve got to find museums and galleries near you that are holding these events.
Second, you’re likely going to have to buy tickets. These typically aren’t general admission events, as the museum will need to control the number of people who attend.
So get searching and start booking.
Date Idea #5 – Venice
Okay, so this last one may be a little unrealistic.
Or, it might just be the most amazing and memorable surprise that you ever give to your significant other.
Just imagine how amazing your partner will feel if you surprise them with a trip to Venice. You get to experience the joys of one of the world’s most romantic cities. Plus, you get to drink Venetian wines in the city that made them famous.
The best news here is that there’s still time to arrange this little trip. With so many last-minute flightand accommodation booking services, you can get a little spontaneous. Assuming you have the budget of course.
The Final Word
From the classic to the grandiose, these are five Valentine’s Day date ideas that allow you to sip on some wonderful Italian wines.
Perhaps you’re going to use one of these ideas yourself. Or maybe you have your own plan in mind for the most romantic day of the year.
Whatever the case may be, we hope that you and your partner have a wonderful time.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
I like to keep me updated and share with my online friends my gastronomic knowledge.