2021 is finally here and with it comes the possibility that we may actually be able to travel again at some point during the year. And not just for business purposes! With vaccines finally starting to roll out, we head into 2021 with a renewed sense of optimism at the possibility that this year could see us return to some sense of normality.
And if travel is on your mind, Italy should be your destination of choice. The country offers so many amazing tourist spots, each of which offer stunning culture and amazing Italian wines. But if you’re stuck while trying to make your choice, we have the perfect destination, as determined by Città del Vino Association:
The organisation named Barolo its City of Wine for 2021 at the tail end of 2020 and it should come as no surprise. For decades, Barolo has been one of the most prestigious Italian wines out there, as exemplified by its moniker of ‘The King of Wines’. Now, this picturesque village has official recognition for its winemaking, which highlights that it’s the perfect destination of choice for anybody who enjoys their own little love affair with Italian wine.
And that brings us to the point of this article.
Italian’s love Barolo, both the wine and the village.
We love them too.
And that’s why we’ve come up with a few reasons why you should visit Barolo, starting with…
Reason #1 – Barolo’s Celebrations
The people of Barolo have taken great pride in receiving this award and they’ve created a series of interesting events that will take place throughout the year to commemorate becoming the City of Wine.
Chief amongst these is a series of exhibitions that chart the winemaking history of the entire region. For those who want to know why Barolo has the amazing reputation that it does, these exhibitions will offer you a chance to learn interactively and will likely offer you ample opportunity to sample Barolos from a number of the region’s producers.
These exhibitions are coupled with others that will expand on the overall history of the Italian wine industry, making Barolo the perfect place to visit in 2021 for those who want to absorb Italy’s wine culture.
The village will also host several seminars by notable figures in the industry, as well as several tasting events. And finally, Barolo has plans to twin with other renowned winemaking regions and hotspots, thus sharing the wealth with all who make the Italian wine industry so wonderful.
As we’re at the beginning of the year, these events are still in their planning stages, which means we don’t have official dates yet. And of course, we have to consider the impact that the pandemic may have on them, even as we come closer to normality thanks to what’s happening on the vaccine front. Still, if everything goes off without a hitch then Barolo looks set to more than live up to the moniker of “City of Wine” in 2021.
Reason #2 – Castle Falletti
You don’t have to be an Italian wine lover to appreciate everything that Barolo has to offer (though it certainly helps) as the city has plenty for people to explore outside of wine. Take Castle Falletti as an example. Thought to have been built in the 10th century, the castle looms over the quaint village, it was originally built as a fortress to defend against invading Saracen and Hungarian armies.
It has since become one the landmarks of the Alba commune and it is a stunning sight for anybody who appreciate architecture and wants to get a better feel for the true history of this gorgeous village.
Reason #3 – The Corkscrew Museum
The corkscrew seems like it should be such a simple tool, right. Just attach some sort of lever to a screw and you have what you need. But to the Italian wine connoisseur, corkscrews are important business. And Barolo recognises this with its Corkscrew Museum.
The building plays host to 500 specimens charting over 200 years’ worth of advancement and tinkering in the corkscrew industry. You’ll see ancient exhibits that show how our ancestors created and refined their versions of the corkscrew, through to exhibits that show us just how far we’ve come from the base design.
Still not convinced?
The museum also offers wine tastings on a regular basis, which means those who want to explore the wines of Barolo will have plenty to enjoy beyond learning about the fascinating history of the corkscrew.
Reason #4 – The Countryside
Barolo is a winemaking village.
Thank you Captain Obvious…
But what this means is that it is also a rural area that has acres upon acres of lush countryside for you to explore. If you’re a nature lover, you’ll find interesting hikes, gorgeous fields, and plenty of natural goodness to satisfy your urge to explore.
And of course, you don’t have to go exploring on your own if you want to discover what Barolo has to offer. The village plays host to a number of wineries that offer tours of their facilities, which just so happen to sit in the heart of all of this lush countryside.
Reason #5 – The Wine and Food
And finally, we come to the reason why most people visit any location in Italy in the first place – the wine and food.
Barolo needs no introduction as a winemaking village. It’s the City of Wine after all. But if you visit the region itself, you’ll get to discover so many variations on this classic wine served in restaurants and offered by producers who perhaps don’t sell their wines in large quantities outside of Italy.
And of course, the village plays host to a number of fine restaurants, each of which offers stellar dining experiences to complement the wines that they serve.
With all of that in mind, Barolo has to jump to the top of the list for anybody who plans to visit Italy this year. With a bit of luck, restrictions will ease as 2021 progresses, giving you the opportunity to see this stunning place in person.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
I like to keep me updated and share with my online friends my gastronomic knowledge.