

My ancestors were Bulgarian wool merchants who, to escape the advance of the Saracen invasion, took refuge in Italy in the town of Miglianico, in the province of Chieti around 1560. During XVIII century they became landowners. In this period the Ciavolichs provided horses to General Gioacchino Murat’s army, marshal of Napoleone Bonaparte’s Empire. In 1853 Francesco Ciavolich built in Miglianico, opposite his private residence, the first winery, nowadays one of the most ancient and suggestive in Abruzzo, where to work independently grapes that came from the surrounding lands. At the end of XIX century an important marriage marked the future path of the winery on Loreto Aprutino’s side: the one between Giuseppe Ciavolich and the noblewoman Ernestina Vicini from Loreto Aprutino....

Pallini Limoncello Review

You don’t need us to tell you that Italian wines are amazing. You’ve been here. You’ve seen. You’ve tasted. You know! But, what you may not real...

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