Do you have a glass of Italian Rosé wine in your hand right now?
If not, you absolutely should do. 2019 was a great year for Rosé wines from Italy and we have plenty available for you to choose from on the xtraWine website.
But maybe you haven’t ventured into the world of Rosé before. Perhaps you’re wondering what the big deal is and why you should give this type of wine a try.
After all, your Italian red and white wines have always been enough so far.
The simple answer is that you can never have enough great wine in your life. But we know that some of you will want a little more than that. You need a few more reasons why you should start drinking Italian Rosé in 2019.
We can provide six reasons.
Reason #1 – There’s No Waiting Involved
We all know that buying a 2019 vintage of Italian red wine isn’t something that you can do right now. The wine has to go through a big ageing period before it even reaches the shelves.
And when you do get your hands on it, you’ll need to age it for a little bit longer too. Some Italian red wines don’t reach their full potential for years after they first went on sale.
Rosé is a completely different proposition.
Winemakers unleash their Rosé wines at the exact moment that they’re ready to drink. There’s no storing the wine in a cellar or waiting for years before you can have that first sip.
If you want the wine, you can have it from the moment that you buy it.
Reason #2 – There’s Plenty of Variety
There seems to be this impression that many people have that Rosé is a really sweet wine. If sweet isn’t your thing, the wine won’t be either.
But that’s simply not the case. This is a bit of myth that likely comes from the 90’s Rosé craze, which is when many of these sweeter wines first came to the public’s attention.
The reality is that there’s plenty of variety in the world of Rosé. If you want a dryer and more savoury Rosé, you can absolutely find one.
You just need to get over your limiting belief in what the wine “should be” in your eyes. It’s not just a sweet drink. There is truly an Italian Rosé for pretty much every single occasion.
Reason #3 – It’s Great for Any Time of Day
There are certain wines that you know aren’t really ideal for drinking earlier in the day. Most bottles of red aren’t exactly brunch wines. They’re wines that you should sit down and enjoy with a full meal at the end of the day.
Rosé is perfectly capable of being a dinner wine, of course. But it’s also ideal for pretty much any time of the day. If you’re looking for a quick aperitif, Rosé may be able to provide. For the day drinkers among you, Rosé can even go really well with a quick brunch.
The point is that its versatility doesn’t just extend to the various types of the wine that exist. Rosé is versatile in the sense that you can drink it at almost any time of day.
Reason #4 – The Colour Doesn’t Matter
Okay, let’s confront the silly little elephant in the room.
Rosé is pink.
Yes, we all get it. Pink is a “girl’s colour” right? That strange idea has led to a lot of men deciding that they’re not going to give the wine a chance. It’s for girls after all, so leave it to them while you go drink a beer or something.
Don’t be so insecure! Why deny yourself what is clearly a wonderful wine just because it has a slightly pink colouring.
Besides, pink is absolutely a man’s colour. Just ask former professional wrestling superstar Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart”. There was a man who could rock pink and look awesome while doing it.
You could do exactly the same with your glass of Rosé. Plus, you get a tasty wine to enjoy in the bargain!
Reason #5 – It’s Good For Your Wallet
As with every other type of Italian wine, there’s a broad spectrum to consider when it comes to how much you’ll end up paying for a bottle of Rosé. Of course, there are plenty of examples of the drink that sell for a lot of money.
But there are also plenty of great Italian Rosé wines out there that aren’t going to burn a hole into your wallet. In fact, you may find that, on a general level, Rosé will set you back a little bit less that Italian red wine.
It’s a budget-friendly type of wine that gives you plenty of opportunities to find some excellent examples at a decent price.
Reason #6 – It Pairs Well With All Sorts of Things
Rosé is a remarkable wine that somehow manages to combine the structure that you get with an Italian white wine with the aromatic profile that you could expect from a red.
Simply put, it gives you a little bit of the best of both worlds.
And again, that lends Rosé an entirely new level of versatility. This type of wine pairs well with a wider range of foods than any other type of wine out there. It has enough complexity to work with a lot of richer meat dishes. But it’s also light enough to mix well with pasta, cheese, and most types of seafood.
The Final Word
There are few wines that offer quite as much as Rosé. Its versatility is truly second to none and the wine type if finally starting to emerge from the shadows so that it can achieve the recognition that it has long deserved from some many.
All that’s left now is for you to grab a bottle for yourself. Who knows? You may just find a Rosé wine that ends up near the top of your list of favourite wines.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
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