February 14th is Valentine’s Day, the celebration of lovers.
What is the origin of this celebration? Why on February 14th?
- Valentine’s Day: Origin of this Celebration
- Valentine’s Day: Why on February 14th?
- Valentine’s Day Today
Valentine’s Day: Origin of this Celebration
Throughout history, there have been many St. Valentines.
The most likely one is Valentine of Terni, who died as a martyr in Rome in 274 AD.
The reason for his martyrdom seems to be related to his celebration of the marriage between Serapia and Sabino. Serapia was a Christian, while Sabino was a pagan and a Roman soldier. Serapia’s parents opposed the marriage. Serapia was very ill, so Valentine called Sabino to the girl’s bedside, baptized Sabino, and then officiated the wedding.

Another legend about St. Valentine claims that after seeing two lovers quarreling, the saint offered them a rose and asked both to hold it in their hands. The two lovers made peace and stopped fighting.
Lastly, according to another legend, St. Valentine reconciled two lovers by releasing several pairs of doves between them. Hence the expression “lovebirds,” referring to lovers exchanging affection.
Valentine’s Day: Why on February 14th?
Now that you understand why St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers, let me explain why it is celebrated on February 14th.
The celebration of St. Valentine is ancient, dating back to ancient Rome. Pope Gelasius I, in 496 AD, introduced this celebration to put an end to the Lupercalia, ancient pagan rites dedicated to the fertility god Lupercus.
The origin of these festivals is very ancient, connected to the cycle of death and rebirth in nature. During these festivities, masters took the place of servants, and servants took the place of masters, symbolizing rebirth from chaos.
At the height of the celebrations, Roman matrons voluntarily offered themselves in the streets to the lashes of a group of naked youths devoted to the wild god Lupercus. The Lupercalia were celebrated on February 15th. To put an end to these questionable rituals, the celebration of St. Valentine was inserted on February 14th. It is believed that St. Valentine died as a martyr on this day.

Valentine’s Day Today
Today, Valentine’s Day is the celebration of lovers who exchange gifts and messages of love. In Anglo-Saxon countries, on February 14th, lovers exchange “valentines,” heart-shaped love notes. According to a study by the Greeting Card Association, around one billion greeting cards are sent every year on February 14th.
For this special day, xtraWine suggests the recipe for champagne risotto. If you’ve already prepared a romantic dinner but noticed a wine stain on the tablecloth, you can read xtraWine’s tips on removing wine stains.
xtraWine wishes you a happy Valentine’s Day!
Amo la buona cucina e le tradizioni enogastronomiche italiane, per me vino e dessert non sono solo un contorno ma la parte più interessante del buon vivere.