It always seems as though there’s a subtle little war brewing between those who prefer Italian red wines and those who prefer Italian white wines.
The lovers of red will tell you that their wines are more complex and mysterious. Sure, they’re not always accessible. But delving into the wine is part of the fun. With red wine, there is always something new to discover.
Those who love white wines will say that all of the complexity can get a little tiresome. While white wines may not be as mysterious as reds, they taste wonderful and refreshing. They’re also far more accessible than those pesky confusing reds.
We can see both sides of the argument.
And let’s be honest…
Most people enjoy both types of wine.
But still, there’s nothing wrong with finding some middle ground. And in Rosé, we have a type of wine that combines the refreshing acidity of white wine with the interesting flavour profiles of great reds.
So, it is a Rosé that we’ve chosen to profile in this review. We fell in love with this wine from the moment that it touched our lips. But before we tell you all about it, we want to talk about the company that made it – Cantina Di Soave.
The History
For over 100 years, Cantina Di Soave has embarked on a growth plan that was created both to help the company grow and to expose its amazing collection of wines to as large an audience as possible. Founded in 1898, the company has assembled what it calls a “mosaic” of vineyards and production sites all over Italy with the sole intention of creating stunning wines of all denominations. The company is so expansive today that its vineyards span three DOCs, Valpolicella, Durello, and the Soave DOC that gives the company its name.
Where most winemakers are keen to tell you about their production methods and the experience that goes into their work, Cantina Di Soave is far more interested in talking about their system of quality selection. The company does care about its wines, of course. However, it also cares about developing as broad a portfolio of wines as possible, thus ensuring its ability to serve a large consumer base.
The approach has worked.
As well as being an expansive presence in its native Italy, the company has also succeeded in breaking into over 50 other countries. 50% of the wines that Cantina Di Soave produces are sold outside of Italy, providing the company with a platform for international growth that it is sure to expand on.
But this desire to reach the international market does not mean that Cantina Di Soave neglects its Italian heritage. Anybody who has visited the gorgeous hamlet of Borgo Rocca Sveva will tell you that.
What is Borgo Rocca Sveva?
In years gone by, it was a tiny village that could trace its roots back to the Middle Ages. Set against the majestic Castello di Soave, the village is the home of Cantina Di Soave and its many producers.
In fact, it is so much a home that the company has set about “renovating” the hamlet.
Today, Borgo Rocca Sveva is transformed into a prestigious wine and cultural hub. Featuring stunning cellars, an extensive wine shop, and an experimental vineyard, the hamlet is now both a celebration of Italian culture and a reason for Cantina Di Soave’s customers, from Italy and beyond, to visit the company. The company goes so far as to call its cellars an “underground city”. And while we’re not sure we’d go that far, it’s certainly possible to get lost among the many rows of barrels located beneath the hamlet.
But it is not just a transformed Middle Age hamlet that Borgo Rocca Sveva is home to.
The area is also home to the stunning Rocca Sveva wines that form the jewel in the crown of the Cantina Di Soave empire. The wines produced in this, the company’s central vineyard, are typically sparkling in nature and have developed a reputation for their immense quality.
However, these sparkling wines are not all that the hamlet has to offer.
Dig a little deeper into Cantina Di Soave’s wide selection of wines and you will find something still that sits among the sparkling wines while still carrying the prestigious Rocca Sveva name. In fact, you will find a beautiful Rosé wine that is a true testament to the innovative and experimental nature of the company that created it.
You will find the Rocca Sveva Bardolino Chiaretto Classico 2020.
The Review
This beautiful Rosé astonishes almost from the moment that you pour, with its attractive salmon pink colouring hinting at ageing potential that varies from five to 10 years. Give the wine a little bit of time and you will accentuate its qualities. But if you’re not able to resist opening it, you are still in for a delectable treat.
Upon pouring, spare a moment to allow the bouquet to waft up to your nose. You will pick out some wonderfully clean and crisp notes, with red currants and pomegranate being two of the most alluring and interesting.
Finally, you will be unable to resist tasting the wine any longer. Take your first sip and you’re hit with a wine that offers a crisp progression and several interesting fruity flavours. It is here where you will see the true merging of white and red wines, as this Italian Rosé refreshes as it intrigues.
We believe this wine is best served at a temperature between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius. Ideally, it should be offered alongside dishes made up of fish or shellfish. However, it also pairs well with some cheeses and light starters. You may also find it meshes with some white meats, though it’s recommended that you avoid anything that is too rich or gamey.
The 2020 vintage of the Rocca Sveva Bardolino Chiaretto Classico may be the best one yet, which is why our team has given it a rating of 94/100. Find it on the Xtrawine store today and you could have it making its way to you for less than €8.

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