#xwcocktailseason is now almost over. After the negroni sbagliato is now the time to talk about wine and fruit. We will present three cocktails to prepare using wine and fruit.
White Sangria bianca: Spanish vibes
Sangria: one of the famous cocktails that bring us to Ibiza. The classical Sangria is usually made using red wine and fruit.

White Sangria is typical of Catalonia. It is much lighter and fresh because it uses white wines.
- White Wine – an entire bottle. We recommend LaFou Celler Massaluca Terra Alta Blanco 2020
- Tonic Water
- Oranges (1 or 2)
- Peaches (1 or 2)
- Melon (half)
- Strawberries
- You can also add Vodka 25 ml (but it is not compulsory)
How to prepare it
It is extremely easy: cut the fruit and put it in a jar. Put everything in the fridge and add wine and vodka. Mix and serve!
Watermelon Pepper
Watermelo Pepper is a perfect drink for those that love spiced and exotic flavours.

- White wine, we recommend any wines from Torre Rosazza
- Watermelon
- Lime
- Fresh Basil
- Rose Pepper
How to make it:
Before you even start, put your glasses (preferrably tumblers) in the fridge.
Crush and mesh the watermelon, add ice and lime. Add wine, basil and a little bit of pink pepper. Mix everything. Take the glasses out and serve.
Red ice spritz. The super quick cocktail
For those of us that cannot be bothered or simply didn’t have time, this cocktail makes use of ready cut and frozen berries and all you have to do is: add the wine!

- Frozen Berries
- Any xtraWine sparkling wines
- Sugar
- Red Martini
- Sparkling water (optional)
- Mint
How to prepare it:
Super easy: put the frozen berries in the mixer and mix until perfectly blended. Add the sparkling wine and the sparkling water (if you want to) and…ready to drink!!

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