Throughout the course of each year there are numerous celebrations held throughout Italy in tribute to the country’s wine industry and the amazing people who make the entire thing possible. Some of these are held at the local level, while others are full cultural phenomena that everybody who enjoys wine should make the effort to visit at some point during their lives.
Others are a little more focused on the business aspect of the Italian wine industry, bringing those in the trade together so they can share ideas, discuss the state of the industry, and plan their next moves over the coming year.
Of these latter events, none are as famous as Vinitaly, which is held every single year and offers those in the trade the opportunity to mingle with enthusiasts to create an event that revolves completely around the wine industry.
By the time you are reading this article, the 2017 Vinitaly event will have come and gone, which means preparations will already be underway for the 2018 event. Here we will be looking at some of the top events heading during the Vinitaly 2017, in addition to offering some useful information for those who want to plan ahead and secure their spots at the 2018 edition.
The Top Events
During the course of the three days of Vinitaly 2017 there are numerous events and keynote speeches. Each of these offers a little extra insight into the wine industry as a whole, in addition to providing some useful educational material for attendees. Through these events, those in the industry are able to share their passion with others on one of the largest industry stages in the world, allowing them to demonstrate their expertise and the quality of their products in the process. Let’s now take a look at some of the best events to be held during the course of Vinitaly 2017.
The DoctorWine Selection
Throughout the course of Vinitaly there are always tasting sessions going on that offer visitors the opportunity to try brand new wines or explore some of their favourites with the help of wine experts.
Of all of them, none is quite as extensive as the DoctorWine Selection, which brings together over 100 Italian wines from all over the country for your tasting pleasure. Fans of both reds and whites will find something here to whet their whistles. The only thing we’d say is that it probably isn’t wise to try all 100 of the wines. Something tells us that a trip to the emergency room may be in order if you do.
In recent years, the demand for organic wines has increased in line with the general increase in demand for organic products in other areas. Today, many producers aim to create organic wines, not only to appeal to the customer base that is looking for them, but also because focusing on organic techniques allows them to take better care of their land, thus protecting it for future use.
The Vinitalybio event offers those in the industry the opportunity to discuss organic and biodynamic agricultural techniques with some of the leading names in the industry. Better yet, Vinitalybio also offers existing organic producers the opportunity to showcase their wares and present their products to attendees, with a particular focus on specialist domestic and international buyers.
The various exhibition stands are also complemented with a nearby store that stocks organic wines made by many of the exhibitors. As such, winemakers not only get the opportunity to show others what they are capable of, but they can also sell directly to them from the store.
While the bulk of the Vinitaly event is focused around the promotion of Italian wines, we all know that other countries are more than capable of producing some truly spectacular wines that rival those created by Italy’s top producers.
That is where Vininternational comes into play. In addition to showcasing wines from the sorts of countries that you would usually expect, such as France and Spain, visitors will also have the chance to try wines from countries that are less renowned for their winemaking, such as Kosovo, Croatia, and Georgia. Not only does Vininternational offer exposure to winemakers who really deserve it, but it also allows attendees to sample a few wines that they may never otherwise have heard of.
The International Buyers Lounge
While most of Vinitaly is open to all visitors, one must remember that the show is intended as much for those in the wine trade as it is the people who visit solely to sample new delights.
The International Buyers Lounge, which operates throughout the duration of Vinitaly, is just the place for those in the trade to really get stuck into the wines they are considering buying in bulk. Only those who have prior reservations may access the lounge, which plays host to some of the best wines in the world, all of which are available for tastings.
Advice for Vinitaly 2018
So now that Vinitaly 2017 is over, it’s time to prepare for the 2018 event. So what do you need to know to make sure you get the most out of it? Here are a few tips.
Book Early
While registration for the 2018 event is not yet open, it is worth keeping a constant eye on to see when the next event will be and when you can register to participate. Tickets tend to get snapped up quickly, so keep your eyes open and make sure you’re ready to get yours when they are available.
Arranging Transport
Outside of flights into Italy for international visitors, transportation to and from Vinitaly tends to be fairly simple. With a little research you should locate bus, tram and train routes that will get you to the venue. For a little extra help, you can again visit the Vinitaly website, thought up-to-date travel information won’t be available until the Vinitaly 2018 is officially announced.
Age Restrictions
As a final note, entrance to Vinitaly is available only to those who are above the age of 18.

I’m a passionate about good wine and good cooking.
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