
The Black Leatherette Bottle Bag

In addition to offering a wide variety of wines from all over Italy and much of the world, Xtrawine is also committed to providing our customers with all of the options that they need when it comes to accessories that will allow them to compete their collections.

Alongside the various corkscrews and vacuum sealers, we also offer a number of different bags that are perfect for transporting bottles of wine to other people and often make for great gift bags of you are giving the bottle to somebody as a present during a special occasion.

This week we will be looking at the black leatherette, two-bottle bag that we currently have available in our online store. If you’re wondering whether or not it is right for you, consider all of the following advantages.


Leather is well-known for its durability, allowing it to withstand conditions that other materials may not be able to. This is ideal for those who are looking to transport a bottle of wine over a long distance. For example, if you are going to be flying and want to pack a couple of bottles in your luggage, you will want to make sure that they are adequately protected so that the wine is ready to drink when you depart the plane.

The black leatherette bag offers all of this durability, with the added advantage of being able to store two bottles of wine. Use it to keep your wine protected, no matter where you decide to take it.

A Timeless Design

No matter which way the wind blows when it comes to fashion, leather is always going to be popular. It is used in a wide variety of different fashions and it is still as common to see people wearing leather jackets and shoes as it was ten, twenty or even thirty years ago.

The design of out black leatherette bag has something of a timeless quality to it, which means fashionistas will be more than happy to keep using it long after they have purchased it and all of the fashion trends of the time have moved on. As long as the bag is maintained in good condition, there will be no need for you to ever purchase another due to the ever-changing world of fashion.

Long-Lasting Quality

In addition to being able to demonstrate remarkable levels of durability in even harsh conditions, leather is also a strong material that is able to maintain its consistency over a long period of times. Other materials are prone to stretching and other issues that will eventually lead to them becoming unusable no matter how well you have attempted to maintain them, but a good leather bag will keep its shape and style for as long as you need it to.

It is this strength that is one of the main reasons why leather was chosen for the bag in question, so you can be sure that months, or even years, of carrying heavy bottles of wine inside the bag will have no long-lasting effects on its structural integrity.

It Breathes

Unlike many other materials, leather breathes when it is left in storage. This means that you don’t need to worry about issues like the development of mould or the effect of damper conditions on your leather if you choose not to use the bag for a long period of time. Simply store it in a cool, dry place and when you come back to it, the bag will be as ready to use as it was the very first time that you bought it.

Easy To Clean

As we all know, wine is more than capable of staining many other types of materials. If it spills onto the carpet or your clothes, the likelihood is that you are going to have to react quickly if you are going to stand any chance of getting rid of the stain that the wine causes before it becomes a permanent part of the fabric.

Leather, on the other hand, is far easier to clean should you happen to spill wine on it. All you will need is a wet cloth and perhaps a little bit of soap and you will be able to wipe any spills off the bag practically instantly, rather than having to worry about whether you have just ruined the look of the bag after a little spill. Best of all, you don’t even need to react straight away in order to get rid of the stain.

Low Cost

You would be forgiven for thinking that a material with so many remarkable properties may end up costing you an arm and a leg, but leather is actually much more cost-effective that you may realise.

Thankfully, if you want to be able to experience the many advantages that these types of bags have to offer, you won’t need to fork over a lot of your money to get them. With a little bit of research you will be able to find a leather bag that fits within your price range and will stay with you for a long time.


With all of the talk about strength and durability, it would be unsurprising to hear that leather is an inflexible material. However, nothing could be further from the truth. So many items are made using leather precisely because it is flexible enough to work with.

This means that you won’t have to worry about your black leatherette bag feeling stiff or uncomfortable while you carry it.

You Can See The Bottles

Best of all, our black leatherette, two-bottle bags make use of a strong, transparent PVC window that allows you to see the bottles that you are transporting in all of their glory.

This is great for when you are giving the wine to a friend as a gift and want them to be able to see what they have without them having to open the bag.

All in all, if you need to be able to transport multiple bottles of wine, Xtrawine’s black leatherette, two-bottle wine bag is the perfect choice.


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