While many celebrities will be more than happy to discuss their love for wine, very few actively endorse producers and take that love further than the occasional drink or two. Not so Roger Federer, who actively pursues his interest in wine in a number of different ways.
Quoted as calling wine one of life’s pleasures, it appears that Federer’s class extends far beyond the tennis court and into his personal life as well. Here we will take a look at a few of the things that the world’s most impressive tennis player has said about his personal love for wine and how they can relate to many things that others feel about this most wonderful of drinks.
“I’ve always appreciated good wine and good food, shared in good company.”
This is most certainly a sentiment that many of us can agree with and it is definitely one that is shared by many Italians and their approaches to the wonderful world of wine. The best way to enjoy a glass of wine is always to find a food pairing that complements it, with the flavours of everything involved mingling perfectly to create a sensation quite unlike anything else you may have experienced. Sharing this with a friend is all the more enjoyable, not just because you have the benefit of company but also because you have the opportunity to share your preferences with somebody who will actively appreciate them.
“I also seek out opportunities to learn more, because I think that great wine is one of life’s pleasures.”
A sentiment that is shared with many other wine lovers, the desire to learn more about the wonderful drinks that we enjoy and the minds behind them is natural in a wine drinker. Federer has obviously taken his love for wine beyond enjoying the occasional glass or two and is working diligently to become a connoisseur in his own right. We imagine that he would have an amazing time enjoying some of the many wine tourism opportunities that are available in Italy and throughout the world.
“I’m honored to be Moët & Chandon’s brand ambassador, and I have visited [its] estate in Epernay, France.”
And there you have it. The great man himself has not only become an active ambassador for perhaps one of the most famous Champagne producers in the world, but he has taken the opportunity to learn even more about the company by exploring their cellars and enjoying a guided tour. This is something that we are share many of our readers would enjoy and it makes you wonder whether or not Mr Federer has also undertaken similar tours for his personal pleasure when not acting as an ambassador.
“My parents always enjoyed drinking wine during dinner.”
Federer goes on to speak about how his family would always become excited when the prospect of visiting relatives in South Africa emerged, as it would give them the chance to try new wines from one of the world’s most impressive emerging markets. Of course, wine with a healthy dinner has been a staple of the Italian way of drinking wine over the centuries and Federer is certainly to be admired for his dedication to tradition and the lengths that he is happy to go to in order to experience some truly wonderful drinks.
“Paris is one of my favourite cities, and, of course, the food and wine is always excellent. I also love Rome for the Italian food.”
When asked about his favourite destinations in the world to enjoy good wine and food pairings, Federer chooses two that most connoisseurs would be quick to point to as well. While Paris is a wonderful city that we recommend everybody pays a visit to at some point in their lives, Rome is the city that we would love to speak more about due to our passion for the Italian wine industry. With so many marvellous foods, wines and cultural experiences to enjoy, there is something for everybody in Rome and it is certainly a destination that wine and food lovers should rank highly on their personal bucket lists. Take you example from Roger Federer in this case, as he clearly understands just how important this city is to enthusiasts.
“We try many different wines, but we like to enjoy a white wine such as Cloudy Bay, and on special occasions, we will open a red from Château Cheval Blanc.”
As with all great connoisseurs, Roger Federer has clearly taken his exploration of the wine seriously and found a few favourites that he likes to crack open on regular occasions. Though he demonstrates his preference for wine from Bordeaux in this case, we are sure that there are a number of Italian vintages that he would rank highly on his list if he were asked to expand further on the wines in his collection.
“I am always interested in trying new and innovative styles.”
With this quote Federer reveals a penchant for innovation within the industry that offers him the chance to experience something new. While we won’t go so far as to use this as confirmation that he is not a traditionalist, it is always refreshing to hear major celebrities talk about how excited they become when wine companies try something a little bit different in an effort to serve the needs of their customers. He goes on to speak at more length about the new work being done by Moët & Chandon with obvious enthusiasm.
“Playing in a really great tennis match can be like tasting a well matured, vintage wine.”
Naturally, Roger Federer concludes by speaking about how a good wine is much like a great tennis match. He compares the harmony of the players with a well-balanced wine, talking about how all of the elements need to be in place for everything to turn out well and inspire those who view it. These are clearly the words of a man who takes his passion for wine seriously and we would be delighted to find more people following Roger Federer’s stellar example and discovering more wines as a result.

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